Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lots o' Lists

So while I’m lovin’ it a whole bunch here, there may be a few things about the good ol’ US of A that I miss:

1. My closet. Specifically: my Dunks, flannel, and crew-neck sweatshirts.
2. BJ Bear. Yes Mom and Dad, I’m serious. At least I don’t suck my thumb anymore.
3. Safe and reliable public transportation
4. All sorts of Herbal Essence hair products
6. Barry’s Bagels
7. Iced coffee
8. Organic, fat-free milk

I know what you’re all thinking: “How is Bridget even surviving? She has to drink regular coffee in 80 degrees AND she has to put 2% on her Cheerios?!” It’s a daily struggle.

Good thing there are a few things I’m happy to live without:

1. The constant need to check my Gmail, Facebook, and phone
2. Winter
3. Expensive food, specifically sandwiches that cost more than $3. Yes, I do now consider a $5 sandwich expensive (that’s R35!)
4. Paying to use the washer and dryer
5. Being pale
6. Living in the AU Libs

OK, so now I’m a roll. Let’s talk about things from South Africa I’m getting really into (and will most likely miss when I return to Amurrrika)

1. Chicken Mayo
2. Boerwor Rolls. Try saying that one three times fast. I mean, I can’t even say it once.
3. Savannah Dry
4. Sitting on steps
5. School spirit
6. Going to a beautifully beautiful school.
7. Living at the ocean AND mountains

Check out to see more about #4 and #6



  1. Nothing beats whole, unpasteurized milk. But yeah - I would probably kill someone for a Barry's Bagel.

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can always one up me in the "amenities while living outside the US" game.

  3. Had Barry's Bagels this week...your Dad brought them on our Steelhead outing...
