Monday, April 4, 2011


The past week and a half was one of the most unbelievable things I’ve ever done. I camped through Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; I saw an incredible amount of animals and got to experience bits and pieces of unfamiliar cultures. All in all, I loved it. The bad part about it, however, is that I will never be able to accurately describe this trip with words OR pictures.

But I’m going to do my best.

This post is just going to be a little snippet of my trip, and I’ll follow in a few days with TONS OF PICTURES! (I can’t do that yet since my camera had a rough experience at Vic Falls and I need to steal some pictures from friends).

And now for my favorite thing: lists.

Countries visited: Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Number of days: 10

Number of times I pitched a tent: 7

Shared a tent with: Steph, ants, Baby Rat

Currency used: Rand, Pula, Kwacha, US Dollar

"Currencies" used at the Zim market: USD, Kwacha, Rand, t-shirt, khaki shorts, hair ties 

Average wake-up time: 5:30

Big Five Animals seen: elephant, lion, buffalo

Other animals seen: hippo, red lechwe, steenbok, giraffe, zebra, wildebeast, ostrich, baboon, bonobo, crocodile, fish eagle, kudu, impala, iguana, guinea fowl, wild dogs, jackals, warthog, sable antelope, lion, monkey

Natural Wonder of the World visited: Victoria Falls

Animals eaten: chicken, pig, cow, warthog, kudu, ostrich, impala, crocodile, guinea fowl, Mopani worm, bream

Modes of transportation: bus, commercial airplane, baby airplane, overland truck, safari truck, mokoro, foot (walking AND running), taxi, ferry, shuttle, pontoon boat

Number of mozzie bites: too many to count

If this description doesn’t do it for you, than the first two minutes of this video can also can a pretty good picture of my experience. 

Yes, I’m serious.

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see pictures! Put them up as fast as you can!
