Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Waka Waka

As you all (hopefully) know, I’m soon heading off to South Africa to spend the semester studying abroad at the University of Cape Town!  I’m going to try my best to keep this thang relatively up-to-date so you all can stay in the know, because I’m safely assuming you’re all going to be sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for updates.

During the past six very productive weeks in the great state of Ohio, I did a few things to get myself ready:
1.     Read as much as I could about Cape Town and South Africa
2.     Periodically listened to “Africa” by Toto, “Waka,” and “Circle of Life.” I think we can all agree that these are high quality songs, as well as being extremely informative.
3.     Watched the best Disney Chanel Original Movie that there ever was - The Color of Friendship

As helpful as Toto’s inspirational lyrics may be, I’m ready to go experience Cape Town for myself. I am beyond excited to get there and let the adventure begin. I’m not really sure what to expect, but I’m grateful for this experience and have no doubts that the next five months will be amazing. (I guess to have aforementioned amazing experiences I need to pack, but right now I'm considering that to be a moot point. Right? Right.)

So, I’ll be getting into Cape Town a week from today (!!!!!!), after what I’m anticipating to be a looooong day and a half (ish) of travel. The next week or so will consist of orientation, then I'll have a week off before classes being so I’ll do my best to update y’all somewhere in there!

Note: I'd like to give a big shoutout to Ms. Hadley "Hadster" Guiler for coming up with the blog name!


  1. I was rooting for my name suggestion, but I guess this will suffice. I miss you already Bridget!

  2. I can't wait to live vicariously through you and your amazing adventures! Miss you Big!
