Sunday, March 6, 2011

So I was thinking...

Reasons why I should stop wearing clothes:

1. It’s hot. It can be hot inside. It can be hot outside. It can be hot if there’s not a breeze. Sometimes, it can be really, really hot.
2. I’m super bored with all of the clothes I brought. Yeah, yeah I look great in a v-neck and jorts, but I’m in desperate need of a change.
3. Laundry is a long process. Take today, where it took four hours to get two loads of laundry done. I guess that’s what happens when you only have four working washers and five working dryers for one massive dorm…and you fail to realize one setting on the washer doesn’t work.

Fine, I guess I’ll just stick with not wearing shoes, and I’ll keep my clothes on for now.


1 comment:

  1. I will take your hand-me-downs! After 17 months, I'm really sick of my clothes.
