Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mzoli's Meat

I wanted to keep this post separate from the Township Tour because the environments are so different, but both are Gugulethu.
Mzoli’s is a large restaurant in Gugulethu. Basically, big groups come, buy alcohol from unlicensed vendors across the street, hang out in this massive tent, and order HUGE amounts of meat.

I was in a large group that went and we got two giants plates of chicken, sausage, and steak, along with pap. The food comes, and you go at it. Silverware? Unnecessary. Napkins? So necessary. As everyone who has ever had the pleasure of eating around me ever should know that I’m a relatively messy eater. I think this day brought me to a whole new level of mess, but it didn’t matter, because we were all coated in barbeque sauce.

Just to indicate the massive amounts of meat, check out my friend and well-known meat model, Steph:


 It was some of the best braai meat I’ve ever eaten, and boy, we all did some damage. I was quite full when I left the restaurant, and was still quite full when I woke up from a nap a few hours later.

I’m going to miss braais so much when I’m gone.

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