Here are some random, useless things I’ve discovered here.
1. Mullets are a thing here. Not trashy, stuck in the 80s mullets, but stylish, I-put-thought-into-this-and-think-I-look-hot mullets.
2. There’s no air conditioning…or heat. Nope, no vents, heating, or cooling system all up in my room. Just windows and blankets and the hope that there won’t be any extreme weather. A big thank you to my sweat suit and scarf uniform for keeping me warm.
3. Pasta sauce is for pasta and tastes pretty bad (miss you Grandma!). Tomato sauce is not for pasta. Tomato sauce is ketchup, but it’s not called ketchup and doesn’t taste the same.
4. If there’s one thing that makes be really American, it’s the large amount of peanut butter I consume.
…OK there may be a few other things as well.
5. Squirrels are really rare in Cape Town. They're apparently even more rare to this group of tourists in Company's Garden. One of the funniest things I've seen, especially after spending seven years at schools overrun with squirrels.
Tourists, squirrels, madness |
6. When I go in a public restroom I hope there will toilet paper, assume there won’t be soap, and am guaranteed to find a full bin of condoms.
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