Friday, June 10, 2011

It's the final countdown

So I just woke up from my last night of sleep in my broken bed in my dirty, moldy flat, hearing the sweet sounds of mini buses along Durban Road. I’m feeling really refreshed after about three hours of sleep. My closet is empty, my suitcases are full, and I have five months of amazing experiences under my belt.

I’m super pumped to see my family, spend some time in Toledo, and be back at AU in the fall. STILL. The tears are flowing. I think it’s just an indicator of how great of a semester this has been. I think (and hope) I’ve made it clear that I’ve really loved my experience. But I also need to give a pretty big shoutout to all the people I’ve met over the course of the semester. I’ve loved the people I’ve met, lived with, camped with, adventured with, rapped Eminem with, learned about sheep bones with, eaten Souper sandwiches with: became friends with.

Yup, I’m ending this post with a quote too: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

South Africa, it’s been real.

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