Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Fall is here, hear the yell, back to school, ring the bell"

It’s been a mere nine and half weeks since my last final of last semester and it’s finally time for my second fall semester of the year to start! Classes began yesterday, and I must admit that I’m pretty excited for them to get going.  I need a little structure in my life, and I’m pretty pumped for the classes I’m taking.

Well, since you asked, I’m taking the following:
1.     Southern African Hunters and Herders
2.     Gender, Sexuality, and Politics: Debates in Contemporary African Contexts
3.     Advanced South African Politics

Classes are structured a little differently here.  As you can see, one class is worth more credits than a standard class in the US.  Lectures are 3-4 times a week for 45 minutes each.  Every class also has a tutorial that meets once a week.  The bulk of my final grade will come from one final exam.  Transitioning from small classes once or twice a week will take some getting used to, but so far, so good.  I’m starting to adjust to the HUGE campus.  Sort of.  I feel a bit like I’m milling around a small town every time I get out of class. And when I say milling, I mean milling. My speed-walking self is struggling to get used to all this moseying.


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