Thursday, February 10, 2011

Peninsula Tour

On the first Sunday here UCT took all the Semester Study Abroad students on a bus tour to kick-off UCT orientation.  As touristy as a bus tour is, especially when there are about 12 buses, it was really cool and a great way to see a lot of the area.

 We drove up and down the coastlines and saw some sick views of the ocean. 

Checked out the awesome penguin colony and even saw fuzzy baby penguins.

Went to a township (where I’ll be doing a weekend homestay later in the semester), where they fed us a delish lunch and did a few dancing, singing, or Michael Jackson-impersonating performances.  It was a really cool community and a worthwhile thing to include in the tour.

 Went to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope. B-e-a-utiful.

Note: None the pictures I post are nearly as spectacular as the real thing.

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