Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This time for Africa

Say what?! I've been in Cape Town for a week? That's crazy talk.

My time here as been pretty awesome so far and I feel like I've done so much in only a week. Some highlights include hiking Table Mountain on my first day, not getting sunburned, eating springbok, and moving into a prison.

I also don't have internet yet, so I think my communication with the developed world is probably going to be limited.  When I do get internet it's going to be limited and it's unclear if it's even strong enough to Skype...?

Also, can anyone explain to me why building a university on the side of a mountain seemed like a good idea?


  1. I hope you skype me if/when you can...I miss you!!!

  2. I hope you continue to name each post after that Shakira song.

    Also, if you're DESPERATE for Internet, you could look into getting the modem that you plug into your computer. A la me.

  3. I'm glad you made it there safe. In all honest, I'm picturing where you live as if someone transposed a school on top with Rafikee (spelling's off) held simba up. Obviously, that's what everything around you looks like, right?

    And I hope you name your next entry "She-Wolf"

  4. I miss you! Post when you can but have an amazing time!
